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Monday, 2 May 2016

How to answer: How are you?

IELTS Speaking Part 1: You have probably been asked the same question a million times; how are you? It was probably one of the first phrases you learnt in English. No doubt you were taught the response: I'm fine thanks, and you?

But there are so many more interesting responses both positive and negative. By using a different answer you will stand out during the speaking exam, impress the examiner and hopefully get the score you need.

I'm great thanks, how about you? 
I can't complain.
I've been worse.
Not bad at all, and yourself?
Alright, and you?

Your intonation should go up and don't forget to smile :)

I'm a little under the weather, but it's ok.
I feel a little tired /nervous to be honest.
Best not to ask. (said with a smile)

Your intonation should fall slightly, but still smile at the end.

Try recording your voice repeating the different phrases until you sound as natural as you can.

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